Wednesday, April 27, 2011

27 Shot Challenge (18 April 2011)

The weather changed and so did our plan. Our 'Note in the Hole' game was postponed for a week as we instead worked on a few things and completed the 27 holes challenge at the range before closing the day playing a 9 hole "up & down" game chipping and putting on the green.

Much of the session was spent on completing the 27 shot challenge where we tried different concentration technique while hitting golf shots in order to see which works best for each of us. Some did really well visualizing the shot and some preferred counting or humming a tune as we hit the ball. Pop, went many weasels in our head, but luckily everybody stayed in tune through out the challenge.

Pre-shot routine.
One of the secrets to playing consistently good golf is, of course, having a consistent pre-shot routine that allows you to get into the playing mindset where you focus on your shot and then execute it the same way every time. At last week's event, we introduced doing most of our shot-planning and thinking in the 'think box' a few paces behind the ball, then only focusing on creating the shot when you move into the 'play box' as you address the ball. Have a look at a few successful golf professionals' pre-shot routines.

We each have to develop our own pre-shot routine that give us confidence! But you can see from the video how the elite golfers do a few basic things in common. They take their practice swings while they are in the 'think box' behind the ball, and once they move into the 'play box' they either play the shot very quickly or they back off back into the 'think box' again if something doesn't feel right (see Padraig Harrington in the video).

Aside from really helping you concentrate better when playing on the golf course, having a pre-shot routine also makes you look like a cool professional. That never hurts!

We hope to see all the EC LUGGers again on the Monday after Easter (April 25th), of course. Get to Cottonwood GC driving range by 3:30PM and be ready for a fun day of Golf Egg Hunt!

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Thanks for stopping by at El Cajon LUGGer's Log. Stare down that little white ball and may it submit to your every needs.